Saturday, January 31, 2009

MOST economist agree....

I am writing to remind everyone that "agreement" is not always evidence of good sense.

Just because it is a group of doctors, scientists, or economists who are doing the agreeing, doesn't mean that particular majority enjoys an automatic exemption from being wrong.

So you can tell me that the value of Keynesian economic insights are "agreed" upon by "most" economists, and it will still sound like "Most doctors choose Camel cigarettes," to me.

Have no idea what I'm talking about? Don't worry, most people don't.

P.S. Just trying to be challenging and witty, not rude. It's not a reasonable expectation that most people ought to be versed in the entire history of economic thought. It would simply be that way if I had my druthers, because *I* think it's cool. But I'm just another blogger among millions, don't mind me. :)


  1. Well, doctors didn't actually agree on this. Advertising in the 1950's was pretty much fiction. Like it is today though without any rules pertaining to tobacco.

    Agreement among scientists usually is indicative of some underlying truth. Agreement in referreed journals and publications, not in the popular press. Agreement in the first is difficult to come by. Not so much the second.

    As far as economics goes I am way out of my element there. I need basic stuff. Like that found in THE STORY OF STUFF.

    Steve Williams
    Scooter in the Sticks

  2. There are plenty of folks who'd like to be considered an "expert". I'm reminded of the petroleum "expert" whose comment was printed little more than 7 months ago that "we'll never see $3/gal gasoline again!" Which brings to mind that old definition of an "expert" as just a little leak --- and a has-been besides.

    Your thought-provoking blog reminds me how skeptical I am, also, about "expert opinion". Best to think for yourself.

    PS. Glad my doctor doesn't smoke. If he did, I would switch to someone else.

  3. Why does everyone want to complicate everything.

    I am from the old school of simple high sell low....earn, don't pay interest.
